| 1. | The world trade organization is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations 一享有多边的无条件的和稳定的最惠国待遇 |
| 2. | Global rule a rule that is defined for a specific database and is shared by columns of different tables 以水平方式联接存在于多台服务器上的一组成员表中的分区数据的视图。 |
| 3. | Folks , i think you have to wake up to reality , that this is a global business , with global rules across 各位,我想你们真的该清醒地认识到这要样的事实,那就是:商业的全球化,需与全球化的交易规则相匹配。 |
| 4. | You can also set a global rule that enables all code running from the projects folder and subfolders to have full trust 还可以设置一个全局规则,使从projects文件夹和子文件夹运行的所有代码都拥有完全信任。 |
| 5. | Membership in the wto , of course , will not create a free society in china overnight , or guarantee that china will play by global rules 部分由于我们的交往,中国在过去十五年里,最多只些微的增加了其已部署的核武威胁。 |
| 6. | China must be both encouraged and allowed to play by the global rules , even when the symbolism of its progress may be painful to endure 即便是中国进步的象征意义可能让人难以消受,但它也必须被允许和鼓励按照全球规则参与到游戏当中。 |
| 7. | We have all been part of them . i think they can play an important role in liberalization but they need to be complemented by a system of strong global rules 他说,双边和地区贸易协定是向正确方向迈出的步伐, “但应有一套严格的全球性规则与其相辅相成。 |
| 8. | These domestic reforms , far more than new global rules , have made emerging markets ? at least so far ? more resilient against financial turmoil than they were then 到目前为止,采取上述改革举措的新兴市场在对抗金融漩涡袭击方面的表现比90年代那次更加不屈不挠、更加有弹性。 |
| 9. | The basel accords on capital adequacy , which set a common floor for banks ' capital , are an example of how national regulators can agree to near - global rules 巴塞尔协议向银行资本提供的资本充足率基准就是一个很好的实例,体现了各国监管机构是如何参照全球同一标准工作的。 |